By: C.A.R.S. llc, 2017

  All Rights Reserved 


                The following note on this page is just part of the protocol we have to follow on our advertising - Please understand the attorney will not allow you to file a false or fraudulent case anyway. 

Note:  Making a false or fraudulent workers' compensation claim is a felony subject to up to 5 years in prison or a fine of up to $50,000 or double

            the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or by both imprisonment and fine.


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on insights , knowledge and expertise

Advocacy Group Bringing Awareness to the Minors

"and majors of all genres of sports"

Disclaimer: We are here to provide you with expertise and guidance we have gained through experience and  research only -

                      We are not here to provide legal services. 

Many former athletes will suffer PTSD without knowing it. We are focusing on bringing awareness to this illness to help the affected.

         (Click the picture for additional info.)

Post TRaumatic Stress disorder AMONG Athletes

These cash benefits range from 30G-100G+ and are available for every level of play in all genres of sports     (Click the picture for additional info.)

From minor to major league players in all genres of sports - Hear what they have to say about our services

    (Click the picture for additional info.)

Wear and tear Sports injury compensation